
Type into a DOM element.


.type(text, options)


Correct Usage

cy.get('input').type('Hello, World') // Type 'Hello, World' into the 'input'

Incorrect Usage

cy.type('Welcome') // Errors, cannot be chained off 'cy'
cy.clock().type('www.cypress.io') // Errors, 'clock' does not yield DOM elements


text (String)

The text to be typed into the DOM element.

Text passed to .type() may include any of the special character sequences below. These characters will pass along the correct keyCode, key, and which codes to any events issued during .type(). Some of the special character sequences may perform actions during typing such as {moveToEnd}, {moveToStart}, or {selectAll}.

{{}Types the literal { key
{backspace}Deletes character to the left of the cursor
{del}Deletes character to the right of the cursor
{downArrow}Moves cursor down
{end}Moves cursor to the end of the line
{enter}Types the Enter key
{esc}Types the Escape key
{home}Moves cursor to the start of the line
{insert}Inserts character to the right of the cursor
{leftArrow}Moves cursor left
{moveToEnd}Moves cursor to end of typeable element
{moveToStart}Moves cursor to the start of typeable element
{pageDown}Scrolls down
{pageUp}Scrolls up
{rightArrow}Moves cursor right
{selectAll}Selects all text by creating a selection range
{upArrow}Moves cursor up

Text passed to .type() may also include any of these modifier character sequences:

{alt}Activates the altKey modifier. Aliases: {option}
{ctrl}Activates the ctrlKey modifier. Aliases: {control}
{meta}Activates the metaKey modifier. Aliases: {command}, {cmd}
{shift}Activates the shiftKey modifier.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of .type().

animationDistanceThresholdanimationDistanceThresholdThe distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating.
delay10Delay after each keypress
forcefalseForces the action, disables waiting for actionability
logtrueDisplays the command in the Command log
parseSpecialCharSequencestrueParse special characters for strings surrounded by {}, such as {esc}. Set to false to type the literal characters instead
releasetrueKeep a modifier activated between commands
scrollBehaviorscrollBehaviorViewport position to where an element should be scrolled before executing the command
timeoutdefaultCommandTimeoutTime to wait for .type() to resolve before timing out
waitForAnimationswaitForAnimationsWhether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing the command.


  • .type() yields the same subject it was given.
  • .type() is a command, and it is unsafe to chain further methods that rely on the subject.



Type into a textarea.

cy.get('textarea').type('Hello world') // yields <textarea>

Type into a login form

Mimic user typing behavior

Each keypress is delayed 10ms by default in order to simulate how a very fast user types!

cy.get('[contenteditable]').type('some text!')

'Selecting' an option from datalist

For 'selecting' an option, just type it into the input.

<input list="fruit" />
<datalist id="fruit">


Type into a non-input or non-textarea element with tabindex

  <div id="el" tabindex="1">This div can receive focus!</div>

Date Inputs

Using .type() on a date input (<input type="date">) requires specifying a valid date in the format:

  • yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 1999-12-31)

This isn't exactly how a user would type into a date input, but is a workaround since date input support varies between browsers and the format varies based on locale. yyyy-MM-dd is the format required by the W3 spec and is what the input's value will be set to regardless of browser or locale.

Special characters ({leftArrow}, {selectAll}, etc.) are not permitted.

Month Inputs

Using .type() on a month input (<input type="month">) requires specifying a valid month in the format:

  • yyyy-MM (e.g. 1999-12)

This isn't exactly how a user would type into a month input, but is a workaround since month input support varies between browsers and the format varies based on locale. yyyy-MM is the format required by the W3 spec and is what the input's value will be set to regardless of browser or locale.

Special characters ({leftArrow}, {selectAll}, etc.) are not permitted.

Week Inputs

Using .type() on a week input (<input type="week">) requires specifying a valid week in the format:

  • yyyy-Www (e.g. 1999-W23)

Where W is the literal character 'W' and ww is the number of the week (01-53).

This isn't exactly how a user would type into a week input, but is a workaround since week input support varies between browsers and the format varies based on locale. yyyy-Www is the format required by the W3 spec and is what the input's value will be set to regardless of browser or locale.

Special characters ({leftArrow}, {selectAll}, etc.) are not permitted.

Time Inputs

Using .type() on a time input (<input type="time">) requires specifying a valid time in the format:

  • HH:mm (e.g. 01:30 or 23:15)
  • HH:mm:ss (e.g. 10:00:30)
  • HH:mm:ss.SSS (e.g. 12:00:00.384)

Where HH is 00-23, mm is 00-59, ss is 00-59, and SSS is 000-999.

Special characters ({leftArrow}, {selectAll}, etc.) are not permitted.

Key Combinations

When using special character sequences, it's possible to activate modifier keys and type key combinations, such as CTRL+R or SHIFT+ALT+b. Single key combinations can be specified with {modifier+key} syntax.

A keydown event is fired when a modifier is activated and a keyup event is fired when it is released.

Type a key combination

// This is the same as a user holding down SHIFT and ALT, then pressing b
// The modifiers are released before typing 'hello'

When a modifier is specified on its own, it will remain activated for the duration of the .type() command, and is released when all subsequent characters are typed. However, {release: false} can be passed as an option.

// This is the same as a user holding down SHIFT and ALT, then typing 'hello'
// The modifiers are held for the duration of the command.

Type literal { or } characters

To disable parsing special characters sequences, set the parseSpecialCharSequences option to false.

  // will not escape { } characters
  .type('function (num) {return num * num;}', {
    parseSpecialCharSequences: false,

Hold down modifier key and type a word

// all characters after {ctrl} will have 'ctrlKey'
// set to 'true' on their key events

Release behavior

By default, modifiers are released after each type command.

// 'ctrlKey' will be true for each event while 'test' is typed
// but false while 'everything' is typed

To keep a modifier activated between commands, specify {release: false} in the options.

// 'altKey' will be true while typing 'foo'
cy.get('input').type('{alt}foo', { release: false })
// 'altKey' will also be true during 'get' and 'click' commands

Modifiers are automatically released between tests, even with {release: false}.

it('has modifiers activated', () => {
  // 'altKey' will be true while typing 'foo'
  cy.get('input').type('{alt}foo', { release: false })

it('does not have modifiers activated', () => {
  // 'altKey' will be false while typing 'bar'

To manually release modifiers within a test after using {release: false}, use another type command and the modifier will be released after it.

// 'altKey' will be true while typing 'foo'
cy.get('input').type('{alt}foo', { release: false })
// 'altKey' will be true during the 'get' and 'click' commands
// 'altKey' will be released after this command
// 'altKey' will be false during the 'get' and 'click' commands

Global Shortcuts

.type() requires a focusable element as the subject, since it's usually intended to type into something that's an input or textarea. Although there are a few cases where it's valid to "type" into something other than an input or textarea:

  • Keyboard shortcuts where the listener is on the document or body.
  • Holding modifier keys and clicking an arbitrary element.

To support this, the body can be used as the DOM element to type into (even though it's not a focusable element).

Use keyboard shortcuts in body

// all of the type events are fired on the body

Do a shift + click

// execute a SHIFT + click on the first <li>
// {release: false} is necessary so that
// SHIFT will not be released after the type command
cy.get('body').type('{shift}', { release: false }).get('li:first').click()


Force typing regardless of its actionable state

Forcing typing overrides the actionable checks Cypress applies and will automatically fire the events.

cy.get('input[type=text]').type('Test all the things', { force: true })


Supported Elements

  • ^HTML <body> and <textarea> elements.
  • Elements with a defined tabindex attribute.
  • Elements with a defined contenteditable attribute.
  • ^HTML <input> elements with a defined type attribute of one of the following:
    • text
    • password
    • email
    • number
    • date
    • week
    • month
    • time
    • datetime-local
    • search
    • url
    • tel


.type() is an "action command" that follows all the rules of Actionability.


When element is not in focus

If the element is currently not in focus, before issuing any keystrokes Cypress will first issue a .click() to the element to bring it into focus.

Events that fire

Once the element is in focus, Cypress will begin firing keyboard events.

The following events will be fired based on what key was pressed identical to the event spec:

  • keydown
  • keypress
  • beforeinput
  • textInput
  • input
  • keyup

Additionally change events will be fired either when the {enter} key is pressed (and the value has changed since the last focus event), or whenever the element loses focus. This matches browser behavior.

Events that should not fire on non input types such as elements with tabindex do not fire their textInput or input events. Only typing into elements which cause the actual value or text to change will fire those events.

Event Firing

The following rules have been implemented that match real browser behavior (and the spec):

  1. Cypress respects not firing subsequent events if previous ones were canceled.
  2. Cypress will fire keypress only if that key is supposed to actually fire keypress.
  3. Cypress will fire textInput only if typing that key would have inserted an actual character.
  4. Cypress will fire input only if typing that key modifies or changes the value of the element.

Event Cancellation

Cypress respects all default browser behavior when events are canceled.

// prevent the characters from being inserted
// by canceling keydown, keypress, or textInput
$('#username').on('keydown', (e) => {

// Cypress will not insert any characters if keydown, keypress, or textInput
// are cancelled - which matches the default browser behavior
cy.get('#username').type('bob@gmail.com').should('have.value', '') // true

Preventing mousedown does not prevent typing

In a real browser, preventing mousedown on a form field will prevent it from receiving focus and thus prevent it from being able to be typed into. Currently, Cypress does not factor this in. open an issue if you need this to be fixed.

Key Events Table

Cypress prints out a table of key events that detail the keys that were pressed when clicking on type within the Command Log. Each character will contain the which character code and the events that happened as a result of that key press.

Events that were defaultPrevented may prevent other events from firing and those will show up as empty. For instance, canceling keydown will not fire keypress or textInput or input, but will fire keyup (which matches the spec).

Additionally, events that cause a change event to fire (such as typing {enter}) will display with the change event column as true.

Any modifiers activated for the event are also listed in a modifiers column.

Cypress .type() key events table


Typing tab key does not work

In the meantime, you can use the experimental cypress-plugin-tab and can thumbs up this issue.


Modifier effects

In a real browser, if a user holds SHIFT and types a, a capital A will be typed into the input. Currently, Cypress does not simulate that behavior.

Modifiers are simulated by setting their corresponding values to true for key and click events. So, for example, activating the {shift} modifier will set event.shiftKey to true for any key events, such as keydown.

// app code
document.querySelector('input:first').addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
  // e.shiftKey will be true

// in test

In the example above, a lowercase a will be typed, because that's the literal character specified. To type a capital A, you can use .type('{shift}A') (or .type('A') if you don't care about the shiftKey property on any key events).

This holds true for other special key combinations as well (that may be OS-specific). For example, on OSX, typing ALT + SHIFT + K creates the special character . Like with capitalization, .type() will not output , but the letter k.

Similarly, modifiers will not affect arrow keys or deletion keys. For example {ctrl}{backspace} will not delete an entire word. open an issue if you need modifier effects to be implemented.

Form Submission

Implicit form submission behavior

Cypress automatically matches the spec and browser behavior for pressing the {enter} key when the input belongs to a <form>.

This behavior is defined here: Form Implicit Submission.

For instance the following will submit the form.

<form action="/login">
  <input id="username" />
  <input id="password" />
  <button type="submit">Log In</button>

Because there are multiple inputs and one submit button, Cypress submits the form (and fires submit events) as well as a synthetic click event to the button.

The spec defines the "submit" button as the first input[type=submit] or button[type!=button] from the form.

Additionally Cypress handles these 4 other situations as defined in the spec:

  1. Does not submit a form if there are multiple inputs and no submit button.
  2. Does not submit a form if the submit button is disabled.
  3. Submits a form, but does not fire synthetic click event, if there is 1 input and no submit button
  4. Submits form and fires a synthetic click event to the submit when it exists.

If the form's submit event is preventedDefault the form will not actually be submitted.



  • .type() requires being chained off a command that yields DOM element(s).


  • .type() will automatically wait for the element to reach an actionable state
  • .type() will automatically retry until all chained assertions have passed


  • .type() can time out waiting for the element to reach an actionable state .
  • .type() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log

Type into the input

cy.get('input[name=firstName]').type('Jane Lane')

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

Command Log type

When clicking on type within the command log, the console outputs the following:

Console Log type


6.1.0Added option scrollBehavior
5.6.0Support single key combination syntax
5.5.0Support beforeinput event
3.4.1Added parseSpecialCharSequences option
3.3.0Added {insert}, {pageup} and {pagedown} character sequences
3.2.0Added {home} and {end} character sequences
0.20.0Supports for typing in inputs of type date, time, month, and week
0.17.1Added ctrl, cmd, shift, and alt keyboard modifiers
0.16.3Supports for typing in elements with tabindex attribute
0.16.2Added {downarrow} and {uparrow} character sequences
0.8.0Outputs Key Events Table to console on click
0.8.0Added {selectall}, {del}, {backspace}, {esc}, {{}, {enter}, {leftarrow}, {rightarrow} character sequences
0.8.0Added small delay (10ms) between each keystroke during cy.type()
0.6.12Added option force

See also